Shared, electric, and autonomous vehicles will soon be widely available. How should transportation policy adjust for these “three revolutions” in personal travel?

That was the question before a select group of transportation policymakers, stakeholders, and experts at the 2017 LA CoMotion Expo & Festival session on the 3 Revolutions Future Mobility Program from the UC Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS). The program, led by researchers at ITS-Davis, hopes to guide public decision-making and private investments around new vehicle technology. Dr. Austin Brown, the executive director of the UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment and the Economy and a former official in the Obama administration’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, spearheaded the session’s discussion about the implications of shared, electric, and autonomous vehicles on mobility, pricing, greenhouse gas emissions, public transit, and much more. Dr. Michael Manville, an assistant professor at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs and UCLA ITS faculty fellow, contributed his thoughts on what policies can be put in place to improve transportation outcomes now and in the near future. 

Dr. Brown, Dr. Manville, and several session attendees shared their insights in a short video:

To learn more about the 3 Revolutions program, visit the UC Davis website, which includes information about their upcoming conference in February 2018.