California Government Screening Maps for Climate, Equity, and Planning

Project ID:


Year Completed:


Funding Source:

Pacific Southwest Region 9 University Transportation Center

Project Description

The State of California has multiple climate, equity, and planning objectives established in legislation and executive orders. These directives require reducing greenhouse gas emissions to certain levels by specific deadlines (SB 32); increasing the supply of affordable housing (SB 35); aligning transportation investments with housing (EO N-19-19); coordinating policymaking between air quality, transportation, and housing lead agencies (AB 185), and ensuring benefits to disadvantaged communities (SB 535 and AB 1550). These requirements underscore a recognition of the importance of coordinating land use, housing, and transportation planning to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build sustainable communities, particularly for communities who have historically been harmed by or excluded from these planning processes. There are several State agencies individually responsible for developing policies, administering programs, and distributing funding to guide land use, housing and/or transportation planning decisions that advance the State’s vision. Maps are key decision-making tools for these agencies. While the maps have similar purpose, they each reflect the responsibilities of their respective State agencies, and so may not support coordinated land use, transportation, and equity decisions required to achieve the State’s goals.

Shelly Quan (PI)

Master's student

Program Area(s):